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NitraModel - contacts and useful info



  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (in SK CZ EN FR language)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (in SK EN language)
  • facebook https://www.facebook.com/MkZoborNitra
  • Event Nitra Model on fb https://www.facebook.com/events/433814532412431
  • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mk_zobor_nitra/


Entrance fee:

  • Entrance fee: €2 adult 18 years and older.
  • All children under the age of 18 enter for free.


Registration of models - registration fee

  • Registration of models on site: €5/person.
  • Registration fee Juniors: €0.50 online, €1 on site
  • Starting fee young student: €0
  • note: payment is upon entry, €3 surcharge for registration of models on site.


How to travel to Nitra:
By car – via R1 highway
By plane – Bratislava (BTS) 85km, Vienna (VIE) 150km, Budapest (BUD) 195km
By public transport – BUS & Train

What can I visit in Nitra:
What can I visit in Slovakia:

Accommodation and hotels in Nitra


NitraModel - Venue


NitraModel 2024 takes place on Saturday, October 26 in Pavilion A at the Agrokomplex exhibition center.


Visualization of Pavilion A

We thank Instagram: @luk_trnkoci for the visualization

Parking for visitors is in close proximity to the main entrance to the exhibition center in Parking P10. Parking is charged in the amount of 3€. Payment is a one-time payment upon departure. ATTENTION, payment is only possible by CARD (it is not possible to pay in cash)

The entrance to parking P10 is from Akademická Street.

After arriving in Nitra, follow the Agrokomplex / Exhibition / Messe signs that will guide you to the exhibition site.



NitraModel - Traders / Market


List of traders on NitraModel:

We will continuously add to the list of sellers...

  • Eduard (CZ)
  • Special Hobby (CZ)
  • AFD Model (SK)
  • Makettshop.eu (HU)
  • WWP Books (CZ)
  • Dream-Kit (HU)
  • Obchod.Valka.cz (CZ)
  • JLC (CZ)
  • JIří Špalek- modelové domečky (CZ)
  • Kaena Models - Clear Prop Models (PL, UA)
  • Artol (SK)
  • Aires (QuickBoost) (CZ)
  • ModelCentrum (SK)
  • Forsage.store (SK)
  • Firma49 (CZ)
  • KG-KANS (SK)
  • MH Models (CZ)
  • Sabre kits (CZ)
  • 3D Detail (CZ)
  • AEROTEAM (Propagteam) (CZ)
  • TableTopWargaming.sk (SK)
  • Zoltán Csutkay (SK)
  • V.H.Podložky (CZ)
  • TopModely.sk (SK)
  • SK Model - MiniArt (SK)
  • Dioramamodel.sk (SK)
  • Vlado Buch - HobbyStromy.sk (SK)
  • Horváth Zoltán (HU)
  • KitBazar.cz (CZ)
  • RS Model (CZ)
  • Leszek Góra & Jerzi Nickel (PL)
  • Pavel Szostek (CZ)
  • REVI + O. Repka (CZ + SK)
  • Bonifác Modelko (SK)
  • Yankiemodels (SK)
  • ModelShop (SK)
  • ViZi models (CZ)
  • Karaya (PL)
  • Peter Cigán (SK)


Information for traders and the market:

  • if you are interested in a sales point (tables), please contact us - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • tables 2.2m x 0.5m (beer sets) and a limited amount of OSB boards 2.5m x 1.25 are available
  • the possibility of preparing sales points early Friday evening
  • the list of sellers is continuously updated.




NitraModel - exhibition program & workshop



  • 09.00 – 15.00 entry for the public
  • 08.00 – 10.30 registration of models for the competition
  • 10.30 – 10.35 ceremonial opening of the competition
  • 10.30 – 14.00 evaluation of models,
  • 13.00 – tombola
  • 15:30 – 16:30 announcement of results

Accompanying program for children:

  • assembling of paper models
  • Painting figures
  • Assembling plastic models
  • Badge making - draw your own badge :-)
  • Presentation of military equipment of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic
  • and more...

Accompanying program:

  • Model exchange
  • Lecture and discussion with ........ (to be revealed later)
  • workshop -
  • Armed forces of the Slovak Republic - display of military equipment

Presentation of military equipment of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic (photo from 2023)


NitraModel - Club presentation and SIG


Club presentation and SIG:

  • if you are interested in a club presentation, please contact us
  • table size is 2.5m x 1.25m (or half size)
  • table set-up available from friday evening


Club presentation and SIG:

  • if you are interested in a club presentation, please contact us
  • Papermodelers.sk
  • DS Kit Klub - Dunajská Streda
  • KPM Prešov
  • KPM Bánovce nad Bebravou
  • KPM Bratislava
  • Hornonitrianske divé svine
  • KPM Hobbymodel

Space reserved for club presentations and SIGs:

NitraModel - Competition categories & special prices


Competition categories:

plastic models (seniors)

SIG    -  D-Day (Operation Neptune) - Normandy landings : all models and scales - vehicles & planes (with stripes)
L1     - aircrafts - all in scale 1/16 - 1/35
L2     - aircrafts 1/48 rotorcraft
L3     - aircrafts 1/48 jet
L4     - aircrafts 1/72 rotorcraft
L5     - aircrafts 1/72 jet
L6     - aircrafts 1/144 - 1/1000 000 other scale and all civilian aircrafts
VR    - helicopters - all scales
D       - dioramas
F       - figures
B       - busts
Z       - other models (sci-fi, cosmic, ... )
CV1 - civilian cargo cars, camions, building machines 1/32 to 1/144 and smaller
CV2 - civilian cargo cars, camions, building machines 1/25 1/24 1/20 and bigger
CV3 - motorcycles
CV4 - civilian cars 1/24 and 1/25
CV5 - racing cars 1/24 and 1/25
CV6 - civilian and racing cars (all scales except 1/24 1/25)
VT1 - military vehicles 1/35 wheel
VT2 - military vehicles 1/35 track
VT3 - military vehicles 1/72, 1/76, 1/87, 1/144 wheel
VT4 - military vehicles 1/72, 1/76, 1/87, 1/144 track
VT5 - military vehicles 1/48
LM    - ships and boats with motor
LP    - ships and boats with sail
PO    - submarines (U-boats)
R      - unfinished models (all types)
OLD      - models older than the republic (year of release 1992 and older)

plastic models (juniors - 18 and below)

J1   - military vehicles - all scales
J2   - aircrafts - all scales
J3   - civilian cars (cargo- passager) and motorcycles
J4   -  other models

paper models (seniors)

 P1  - F1(formula)
 P2  - passager cars
 P3  - cargo cars and building machines
 P4  - military vehicles wheel
 P5  - military vehicles track
 P6  - air and cosmic wehicles
 P7  - ships, boats, submarines (U-boats)
 P8  - train vehicles
 P9  - small architecture
 P10 - big architecture
 P11 - Oldies (20 years old models)
 P12- other models
 P13- Ladislav Jakubčo 70 - Paper models of L. Jakubčo
 P14- non competition models

paper models (juniors - 18 and below)

JPa1 - all models

Special categories & prices:

  • Plastic models:
  • Medic models - Jozef Horňák memorial - models with red cross (plastic and paper models)
  • Juraj Ondrejček memorial - best model of military vehicle
  • Dušn Beňo memorial - best model in scale 1/24 - 1/32
  • Ivan Šabík memorial - best model of helicopter
  • War in UA - "special 3 days operation" - all models and scales
  • The award of Plasticportal.eu - the best models in the kids/junior category
  • The award of precceda MK Zobor
  • The award of IPMS Slovakia
  • The award of Retro Game Base club
  • The award of AEROTEAM
  • The award of the commander of the 12th mechanized battalion - the best model of equipment of the Slovak Armed Forces
  • The award of Civic Association UN - Veteran Slovakia - The award will be given for the most beautiful model of military equipment in UN colors /white/ with UN symbols.
  • The award of Hoštejn Model Cup
  • The award Golden Troll for model in categories F,B, or Z.
  • The award of  MK Slavoljub Penkala, Zagreb, Croatia
  • other prices will be continuously added
  • if you are interested in submitting special prices, please contact us


  • Paper models:
  • Price of Ondrej Čiernik for the most beautiful paper model of architecture
  • Price ABONEX ® for the most beautiful paper model of civil cargo vehicles
  • if you are interested in submitting special prices, please contact us



Slovak Championship of schoolchild (primary school)

open competition for elementary school students - all children attending elementary school can apply

younger student - primary school - plastic models (up to 11 years)      

Ž1A  – airplanes (all scales)
Ž2A  – military vehicles(all scales)
Ž3A  – others (cars, civil vehicles, dioramas, ships, figurines, etc.)

younger student - primary school- paper models (up to 11 years)

Ž4A  – ground civil and military vehicles
Ž5A  – building architecture
Ž6A  – other models

older student - primary school - plastic models   (11 and more years)

Ž1B  – airplanes (all scales))
Ž2B – military vehicles(all scales)
Ž3B  – others (cars, civil vehicles, dioramas, ships, figurines, etc.)

older student - primary school - paper models (11 and more years)

Ž4B  – ground civil and military vehicles
Ž5B  – building architecture
Ž6B  – other models

Letný patlák MK Zobor

Konečne sa po karanténnom pôste rozbiehajú nejaké akcie. Po patláku vo Svite som si ani nevybaľoval "fidlátka" a rovno som nechal zbalené na náš patlák. Konečne padol piatok, kolega zatrúbil pred barákom, nalodi som sa, cestov sme zobrali "šteňa" a čapovacie zariadenie a už sme pristáli na chate v Cabaji. Poľovníci sa pochlapili a čiastočne skultúrnili chatu, čo nás milo prekvapilo a tak sme sa pustili do práce - rozostaviť stoly pre všetkých a pustiť sa do práce. Postupne sa počas troch dní schádzali a odchádzali patlači a priaznivci a nálada počas patláku bola výborná. Premlelo sa tu okolo dvadsať ľudí, stabilne prespávalookolo 7-8 ľudí. Najvzdialenejší patlač bol až z Popradu a zastúpené bolo aj naše hlavné mesto a Záhorie. Nechýbal samozrejme aj tradičný guláš a mali sme aj spestrenie v podobe búrky, ktorá zhodila nejaké konáre a aj jedem väčší, ktorý zatarasil vstup do areálu. Takže sme si užili všetko možné, ale aj tak bol njadôležitejší ten kľud a modelárska atmosféra - ohromný relax strávený pri lepení modelov. Tak už sa tešíme na ďalší patlák, ktorý možno bude ešte v jeseni.

Patlák vo Svite

Po patáliách s karanténou, vírusom a obmedzeniami nastali dlhé modelárske suchoty. Konečne po dlhej dobe prišla dobrá správa - vo Svite bude patlák. Neváhali sme a okamžite sme sa registrovali a v uplynulý piatok ráno sme vyrazili natešení/ nabalení na cestu. Ale Svit nás privítal svojsky - po zaparkovaní pred CVČ sme museli ešte dlhé minúty sedieť v aute a čakať kým ustane lejak s krúpami. Len čo to ustalo už sme sa v CVČ zvítali s Poldom Klasom, vybalili fidlátka a začali makať. Postupne sa to začalo plniť patlačmi ako z radov omladiny zo Svitu, miestnych modelárov, ale aj kopec sympatizantov. Ako poslední dorazili Prešovčania - nálada bola výborná, nič nám nechýbalo. Patlák trval do soboty a ubehol ako voda. Konečne sa ukojil náš deficit modelárskych akcií a mohli sme sa popbrať domov. Bolo výborne a za to partí vďaka Poldovi Klasovi, ktrorý to zorganizoval a samozrejme aj vedeniu CVČ za to že sme sa tam mohli uchýliť. Dúfam, že bola založená tradícia ďalšieho patláku v slovenskom kalendári modelárskych akcií.

Boeing 747-8

Boeing 747-8 od Zvezdy v mierke 1:144 ma hodne potrápil. Nedal sa použiť klasický postup vlepiť okienka, zlepiť trup a tradá ďalej. Kôli livery tohto stroja a tým nešťastným okienkam som musel najprv striekať polovice trupu a až tak vlepiť okienka a tak ďalej. Ale aj nastriekať oblúky na trupe, bez presných podkladov, aby ešte aj sedeli s dekálmi bolo nemožné. Na rad prišla oprava striekania po aplikácii dekálov, lebo iba tak to bolo možné zladiť. Ale vymaskovať cez dekály aj keď prelakované klasickou páskou sa nedá, lebo páska ich strhne. Na rad došli samolepiace kancalárske poznámkové bločky - tie už dekál nestrhnú.Potom bolo komplikované dať spoj oboch polovíc po zlepení do nejakého slušného stavu, lebo sa odbrúsila farba a toto opäť prestriekať aby to nebolo vidieť no ... Ináč bola stavba v pohode a diely pekne pasovali.

Handley Page Victor K.2

Britské V bombardéry ma stále fascinujú. Valianta už mám, Victora som dokončil nedávno a Vulcan čaká v kitníku. Teraz k Victorovi - stavebnica GWH v mierke 1:144, dobrá stavebnica s dobrou postaviteľnosťou, bez nejakých záludností. Akurát sa mi dostal do ruky Molotovov panel liner, ale bohužiaľ je iba čierny. Tak som ho otestoval a výsledok vidno na modeli - asi je to príliš výrazné - posúďte.