Modelers club Zobor Nitra, AMAVET, IPMS Slovakia in partnership with Nitra city
Invite you to an international exhibition of plastic and paper models
The biggest scale model show in Slovakia.
The show is held in the City Sport Hall with extraordinary light for great experience with models.
» » » » Online model registration « « « «
online registration is until WEDNESDAY 12.10.2022 21:00
Date: 15. october 2022 (saturday)
Venue: Mestská športová hala, Dolnočermánska 105, 949 01 Nitra (how to come)
How to travel to Nitra:
By car – via R1 highway
By plane – Bratislava (BTS) 85km, Vienna (VIE) 150km, Budapest (BUD) 195km
By public transport – BUS & Train
What can I visit in Nitra:
What can I visit in Slovakia:
Accommodation and hotels in Nitra
Opening times:
08.00 – 10.30 registration & placing of model
10.00 – 10.15 competition openning
10.30 – 14.00 judging of models, accompanied programs
15.00 – 16.00 competition awards
Registration of models will be available online.
Competition categories:
plastic models (seniors)
SIG - War in UA - "special war operation" - all models and cales
L1 - aircrafts - all in scale 1/24 - 1/32
L2 - aircrafts 1/48 rotorcraft
L3 - aircrafts 1/48 jet
L4 - aircrafts 1/72 rotorcraft
L5 - aircrafts 1/72 jet
L6 - aircrafts 1/144 - 1/1000 000 other scale and all civilian aircrafts
VR - helicopters - all scales
D - dioramas
F - figures
B - busts
Z - other models (sci-fi, cosmic, ... )
CV1 - civilian cars - cargo cars and camions
CV2 - civilian cars - passager and motorcycles
VT1 - military vehicles 1/35 wheel
VT2 - military vehicles 1/35 track
VT3 - military vehicles 1/72, 1/76, 1/87, 1/144 wheel
VT4 - military vehicles 1/72, 1/76, 1/87, 1/144 track
VT5 - military vehicles 1/48
LM - ships and boats with motor
LP - ships and boats with sail
PO - submarines (U-boats)
R - unfinished models (all types)
plastic models (juniors - 18 and below)
J1 - military vehicles - all scales
J2 - aircrafts - all scales
J3 - civilian cars (cargo- passager) and motorcycles
J4 - other models
paper models (seniors)
P1 - F1(formula)
P2 - cargo cars
P3 - passager cars
P4 - military vehicles wheel
P5 - military vehicles track
P6 - air and cosmic wehicles
P7 - ships and boats
P8 - train vehicles
P9 - architecture
P10 - Oldies (20 years old models)
P11- other models
P12 - Loprais - Race trucks of Karl Loprias
P13 - Badalec - Paper models of Ladislav Badalec – 75
P14- non competition models
paper models (juniors - 18 and below)
JPa1 - all models
Special categories & prices:
- Plastic models:
- Medic models - Jozef Horňák memorial - models with red cross (plastic and paper models)
- Juraj Ondrejček memorial - best model of military vehicle
- Dušn Beňo memorial - best model in scale 1/24 - 1/32
- Cena portálu pre plasty a gumu - najlepší modely v žiackej/juniorskej kategórie
- Cena veliteľa 12. mechanizovaného práporu - najlepší model techniky OSSR - modely techniky a lietadiel
- Severská Trophy - models in the marking of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland) - Awarded by Norra Länder SIG
- Price of CVČ Ikaros - motor hang glider pilot schools - for the best model of any flying machine in all categories
- Price of Retro Game Base Warhammer Nitra
- Price of precceda MK Zobor
- Price of IPMS Slovakia
- Price of MK Slavoljub Penkala, Zagreb, Croatia (5 models awarded)
- other prices will be continuously added
- if you are interested in submitting special prices, please contact us
- Paper models:
- Racing vehicles of Karel Loprias
- Ladislav Badalec – 75
- Cena Ondreja Čiernika za najkrajší papierový model architektúry
- Canon Creative workshop (Canon models built during NitraModel show)
- Cena časopisu Fifík o najsympatickejší model z Fifika
- Price ABONEX ® for the most beautiful paper model of civil cargo vehicles
- if you are interested in submitting special prices, please contact us
Slovak Championship of schoolchild (primary school)
open competition for elementary school students - all children attending elementary school can apply
younger student - primary school - plastic models (up to 11 years)
Ž1A – lietadlá (všetky mierky)
Ž2A – vojenská technika (všetky mierky)
Ž3A – ostatné (autá, civilná technika, diorámy, lode, figúrky atď.)
younger student - primary school- paper models (up to 11 years)
Ž4A – pozemná civilná a vojenská technika
Ž5A – stavebná architektúra
Ž6A – ostatné modely
older student - primary school - plastic models (11 and more years)
Ž1B – lietadlá (všetky mierky)
Ž1B – lietadlá (všetky mierky)
Ž2B– vojenská technika (všetky mierky)
Ž3B – ostatné (autá, civilná technika, diorámy, lode, figúrky atď.)
older student - primary school - paper models (11 and more years)
Ž4B – pozemná civilná a vojenská technika
Ž5B – stavebná architektúra
Ž6B – ostatné modely
Accompanying program:
- Kit swap
- Workshop - Paintig of figures
- OSSR - Slovak Army - presentation
Club presentation and SIG:
- if you are interested in a club presentation, please contact us
- KPM Bratislava
- KPM Prešov
- KPM Trenčín
- DSz Kit Klub
- Scale-ModelWorks
- MK Vinica
List of traders on NitraModel:
- AFD models (SK)
Eduard (CZ)
Special Hobby (CZ)
Aires, Quickboost (CZ)
RSmodels (CZ)
- ModelShop (SK)
- Mad Priest Miniatures (RO)
- MH Models (CZ)
- Arthur Model Cetrum (represented by MH Models)
- Sabrekits (CZ)
- 3detail (CZ)
- KP / AZ (CZ)
- JLC- Libor Kopeček (CZ)
- Airdesign (SK)
- (CZ)
- (SK)
- Artol (SK)
- Model Centrum (SK)
- BOA Decals (CZ)
- Prospektor (SK)
- KG-Kans Modely (SK)
- Ján Čierny (SK)
- Fenix Models & Games (SK)
- Zoltán Csutkay (SK)
- Bonifác Modelko (SK)
- Bílek (CZ)
- LP Models (CZ)
- AML Modely (CZ)
- Scale-ModelWorks (SK)
- Špalek Modelové domečky (CZ)
- Peter Zeman - burza (SK)
- Profimodeller (CZ)
- Hobby stromy - Vlado Buch (SK)
- Vlasta Bart (CZ)
- REDY Flip - model stand (SK)
- Pavel Szostek (CZ)
- Leszek Gora (PL)
- PK Graphica (CZ)
- Horváth Zoltán (HU)
- Falcon-Model Kft/ (HU)
- Karaya (PL)
- check later for updates...
Accompanying program for kids:
- CANON workshop - in cooperation with Canon, we have prepared for you the printing and assembly of paper models
- Painting of figures
- Assembling of plastic models
- and more...
General information:
Information for competing and exhibiting modelers:
- To participate in NitraModel, just register your models via the online form (it will be available) and bring them to show at Nitra Model.
Information for scale model clubs and SIGs:
- if you are interested in a club presentation, please contact us
- table size is 2.5m x 1.25m
table set-up available from friday evening
Information for traders and kit swap:
- if you are interested in a sales place (tables), please contact us
- tables in size 2.5m x 1.25m and 2.2m x 0.5m are available.
- table set-up available from friday evening
- list of traders are continuously updated
Models registration, admission:
- Admission / registration fee: 2€/person. (within online registration)
- On site model registration fee: 5€/person.
- Juniors: 0,50€ online, 1€ on site
- Kids: 0€
- All children under the age of 18 enter for free
- By paying the admission, the registration fee is paid
- note: payment is upon entry, €3 surcharge for registration of models on site.
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (in SK CZ EN FR language)
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (in SK EN language)
- facebook
- Event Nitra Model on fb
- Instagram
Discussion on Modelfórum:
Repor from Covid Nitra Model 2021:
Report from Martin Hronský for the Australian server
TV report from TV Central
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nitra Model 2022 is supported by:
Mesto Nitra
Nitra Model 2022 food support:
Nitra Model 2022 media support:
Modelář - odborný časopis o plastikovom modelárstve
Fifík - časopis pre školákov
How to venue:
view from Dolnočermánska street:
after turning at the roundabout:
entrance to the hall for visitors:
entrance reserved for traders:
parking (no charge)
arrival from Bratislava direction
arrival from Banská Bystrica direction