Špeciálne ocenenia na súťaži Cena Primátora 2014
- Details
- Category: Nitra Model
- Published: Sunday, 19 October 2014 10:57
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 6050
Dvadsiaty ročník Ceny primátora Nitry máme úspešne za sebou. Atmosféra bola vynikajúca modelov bolo 834 (525 plastových a 309 papierových). Vďaka za úspech akcie patrí členom náško klubu, ale aj všetkým zúčastneným a somozrejme aj sponzorom, ktorí podujatie podporili.
Galéria víťazov a ocenených účastníkov
Traditional contest and exhibition of Eagles of Tatras. Nice weekend with lot of kits and a lot of frends. Thank you Eagles of Tatras
Kit of legendary Russian Katyusha in 1:72 scale. Producer is PST and kit is typical shortrun.
Exhibition and contest of plastic and paper models in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Autor: Martin Mikuláš
Model: Čechia – Böhmerland
Mierka: 1/87
Výrobca: Davo Model
Museum is located near airport Košice in Slovakia. It is maping history of aviation. There are lot of old planes and replics, a lot of Mig, Suchoj and Mil. Interesting is gallery of "president planes " - Mirage III, Phantom, balistic rocket Molodets, Nanchang Q-5 - Fantan, Draken and other. There is car exposition too.
Tatra - it is known mark in car welt. Technic museum of Tatra in Koprivnice in Czech republic is maping history of mark Tatra. there are oldtimers Tatra, "Tatraplans", Dakar Tatras and more other. When you plan visit of museum, you must reserve more than 1 hour for visit.
Beskyd model kit show 2014 was held in Kopřivnica in Czech republic- It was very good exhibition and contest.